Thursday, February 13, 2020

Green Chemistry Principles in 2020 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Green Chemistry Principles in 2020 - Essay Example The progress of human civilization, especially in the post Industrial Revolution era, witnessed a dynamic shift of the human race from agriculturalist approach to urbanization for the purpose of Industrial expansion. In order to secure increasing amount of place for establishing industries, more torture over environment commenced - starting from random deforestation to use of natural fuel resources in the industrial sectors, capable of emitting harmful gases and biohazards and created negative impact on the global environmental balance. During the Post World War II period, while capitalism and industrial domination became major resources for the powerful nations across the globe for their respective prosperity, the situation of environmental crisis took even more critical turn due to abundant use of nuclear elements for creating electricity (Krech, McNeill, and Merchant, 2004). In addition to this situation, most of the ruling nations of the world, in their quest to show their respec tive supremacy over one another, started experimental blasting of nuclear bombs and missiles, which amounted to massive destruction of natural resources, leading to one of the greatest threats against progress of the modern civilization, global warming. Once the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was over during the 80s and the world revived from the impending threat of witnessing a nuclear war, consequently, humanistic part of the scientific activism also witnessed that human arbitrariness over experimenting with nature has extended to such an extent that immediate measures, if are not adopted, then there is always a great risk that the entire human race will be exterminated due to negative effects of natural imbalance (Buell, 2003). Thus, since the later part of the 80s â€Å"several environmentally conscious terms entered the chemical arena, e.g. clean chemistry, environmental chemistry, green chemistry, benign chemistry and sustainable chemistry† (Lin thorst, 2009). However, compared to other variations of environmental conscious terms in the field of chemistry, â€Å"green chemistry† received a great deal of appreciation and has become more familiar among students and aspiring scientists and one of the main reasons behind such wide acceptance of the term can be interpreted in the way that it explained the purpose of science and scientific experimentations by encompassing the ideology of environment friendly scientific approach, consequently, receiving wide range of support among various scientists and scientific associations (Linthorst, 2009). Adequate scholarly proposals have also been made to include green chemistry as a part of school curriculum. This paper will examine green chemistry principles in light of the sustainability issues of 2020. It will try to find out what kinds of changes are required to meet the sustainability challenges of 2020. it is first necessary to talk about the environmental issues and threat o f 2020. Then, it will move on discussing the green chemistry principles in light of sustainability issues of 2020. Environmental issues and threats of 2020: As human race is proceeding forward, there are many thing making up the trail to our destruction as the tropical forest turning to deserts, dry wastelands and choking cities, untimely weathers and oceans heaving with oil and other non-degradable

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Managing Communication and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Communication and Change - Essay Example I had to go through the ordeal of learning new concepts which I wasn't too keen on. The worst part of this was the management's ineffective communication. This in effect didn't show any great results. The downside to it is the loss of a few team members as they found the change too much to deal with. The 'tipping point' comes into the picture here. Upon hearing that a particular company was not as 'experimental' as ours and that an employee had got a great salary along with a promise of better future prospects, several team members quit the company. This led to drastic measures being implemented to retain people and also had the management discuss the problem individually with all the employees identified to have been having problems adjusting to change. This new method of communication, to an extent, did succeed. Thing were back to normal after that and the organization didn't show poor results. I am still unhappy about the time I had to lose, because the organization believed it ha d to change just for the sake of it. The results were good even after continuing with the older practices. It is agreed in general that change is good for any organization but it is not true in all cases.